Applied statistics2nd cycle

Interdisciplinary 2nd cycle postgraduate study programme Applied Statistics.

Data is the currency of the 21st century

The interdisciplinary second cycle postgraduate study programme Applied Statistics is a modern, dynamic two-year study programme that brings together statistical experts from different faculties of the UL and is a bridge to the doctoral studies in statistics.

About the programme

The second cycle Applied Statistics programme is interdisciplinary and brings together most of the statistical fields that the University of Ljubljana has to offer. The programme is intended for students of natural sciences and engineering as well as students of social sciences with a stronger emphasis on statistical-methodological topics and informatics. The main objective of the programme is to train (highly qualified) professionals who are proficient in both the basic knowledge of statistical theory and statistical knowledge specific to particular fields of application of statistics. It will enable students to master statistical methodology in their chosen field, equip them with an in-depth understanding of statistical reasoning and provide them with a range of practical skills that will enable them to be directly involved in work in the business sector or the public sphere. At the same time, the programme also provides sufficient basic knowledge of theoretical statistics to enable graduates to extend their competences independently into new areas of statistics.

The course takes 2 years and is worth 120 credits (ECTS).

On completion, students are awarded a Master’s or MSc in Applied Statistics.


The programme is structured in such a way that compulsory courses dominate, providing students with basic statistical knowledge, which is then built upon in modular courses, elective courses and practical training. The modules are designed to introduce students to additional statistical methods and techniques or their features specific to the areas covered by the modules, thus building on the knowledge acquired in the compulsory courses.

The structure of the programme by year is such that in the first three quarters there are only compulsory courses, in the second half of semester 2 and the first half of semester 3 there are only modular and elective courses, and in the second half of semester 3 there is only compulsory practical training (Statistical Consulting) and one compulsory course. It is essential that the elective and modular courses are taken at the same time, as students may also take courses that are compulsory in other modules as electives.

Practical training

The practical training will last 300 hours.

Students undertake practical training in the compulsory course Statistical Consulting, which is taught in the second year and is worth 10 KT. There are no prior agreements with employers, as students can undertake training for clients in a wide range of business and non-business sectors. Thus, practical training can be carried out in cooperation with companies, organisations and other institutions requiring statistical skills, or with researchers, who already turn in large numbers to course tutors and module coordinators for help with the statistical work of their research.

Practical training usually takes place at the member faculties that provide a ceratin study programme, and the student is usually trained in the professional area of their module. The material and logistical conditions for the practical training are the same as for the rest of the programme.

With the help of teachers and colleagues, the student finds a client. The module coordinator appoints a tutor to supervise the student’s work and, together with the tutor, approves the programme of work for the practical training. The student, together with the client and under the guidance of the tutor, prepares a research report and submits a report on his/her work to the module coordinator.

What are the main objectives of the programme?

Upon completion of the programme, graduates will have a statistical mindset and will be able to perform statistical analysis and statistical consulting independently. They will be able to collaborate with experts in the field of research, communicate knowledge and results, communicate professionally and express themselves in writing. They will be able to define problems, predict outcomes and find optimal solutions, and be able to locate sources and critically assess information. The applied orientation of the study will enable them to transfer knowledge directly into practice and to understand the problems that may arise in doing so. The international orientation of the programme will also give you the skills to communicate in an international environment. The student will therefore be able to independently carry out all stages of qualitative statistical analysis in his/her chosen field, from planning the research to working with the data, selecting the appropriate methodology and interpretation.

What competences do students gain from the programme?

  • General competences of the graduate:
    Upon completion of the programme, the graduate will have a statistical mindset and will be able to perform statistical analysis and statistical consulting independently. The student will be able to work with experts in the field of research, communicate knowledge and results, and express himself/herself professionally and in writing. They will be able to define problems, predict outcomes and find optimal solutions, and be able to locate sources and critically assess information. The applied orientation of the study will enable them to transfer knowledge directly into practice and to understand the problems that may arise in doing so. The international orientation of the programme will also give you the skills to communicate in an international environment.
  • Graduate subject-specific competences:
    The graduate will be able to perform independently all stages of qualitative statistical analysis in his/her chosen field, from planning the research to working with the data, selecting the appropriate methodology and interpretation. With the help of the acquired basic knowledge of statistics, he/she will be able to extend his/her knowledge with new or alternative approaches and to draw ideas from related problems. In his/her work he/she will be able to use sophisticated information (software) tools for data compilation and analysis and for the presentation of results. Additional subject-specific competences are listed in the curricula for each subject.


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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411