Co-create the future by studying electrical engineering

The second cycle postgraduate study programme Electrical Engineering offers a high-quality set of specific professional electrical engineering skills. The study programme offers students a wide range of choices within the programme, and through in-depth research work on real-life projects, students acquire the fundamental skills of an independent research approach.

The international dimension of the programme allows our students to build on their specific skills through Erasmus+ programmes and other types of mobility at universities abroad.

What does the study programme look like?

The course lasts 2 years and is worth 120 credits (ECTS).

Upon enrolment in the first year of the study programme, students are oriented towards one of seven fields of study (Automation and Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Power Engineering, Electronics, Mechatronics, Robotics, Information and Communication Technologies).

The first three semesters are spent in lectures and tutorials, and in the last semester, the fourth semester, students complete a master’s thesis worth 30 ECTS.

Upon completion of the programme, students are awarded the title of Master of Electrical Engineering.

What are the main objectives of the programme?

  • To provide world-class expertise in electrical engineering,
  • to encourage creativity and critical thinking in finding new solutions,
  • to enable effective involvement in research and development work upon recruitment and to be innovative in finding new solutions,
  • to provide an excellent foundation for studies at cycle 3 in electrical engineering or another engineering discipline,
  • to convince students of the need for further independent study as part of lifelong learning,
  • to facilitate transfer between related study programmes and to ensure Europe-wide comparability of educational attainment.

What competences do students gain from the programme?

  • Broad and qualitative specific knowledge in the chosen field of electrical engineering,
  • the ability to pursue and master state-of-the-art processes and technologies,
  • the ability to exercise sound judgement and to keep up with the latest developments in the wider field of electrical engineering,
  • the knowledge needed to carry out independent research and development work,
  • study in modern classrooms and laboratories,
  • internationally renowned educators and researchers,
  • Europe-wide comparability of educational attainment,
  • interdisciplinary skills that are also useful in medicine, biology, economics, engineering, computing, sports, psychology and many other fields,
  • a very good basis for further study at the PhD level in Electrical Engineering or any other engineering discipline,
  • broad career development opportunities for MSc electrical engineers, enabling them to integrate effectively into the labour market.

Detailed information about the 2nd cycle Electrical Engineering programme

Study courses within the programme

Automation and Informatics

Automation is the science of systems and systems control.

It studies and designs devices and systems that replace humans at work, replacing their perceptual abilities and, to some extent, their mental capacities.

Computer science is the science of automatically collecting, transforming, transmitting, storing and exploiting data and information to automate various processes.

Together with information technologies, automation enables the efficient automatic operation of various technological, production, economic and other processes. The knowledge that students acquire in the Automation and later in Automation and Informatics courses enables them to design computer systems for monitoring, control and automatic management of tasks in technical systems. Automation and Informatics deal with all of the main systems that make modern life possible.

Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering (BME) is a highly diverse and distinctly interdisciplinary field that links engineering with medicine and biology.

Biomedical engineering seeks to expand and deepen the knowledge about the structure and function of complex biological systems in different environments through engineering approaches and methods.

Biomedical engineering is continuously developing new technologies, devices and procedures to monitor, maintain and improve health and quality of life, and is one of the fastest growing fields that will have a major impact on our future lives.

Power engineering

The electric power system is the largest system ever created and controlled by man.

Operating a “machine” of this scale requires a great deal of knowledge and skilled engineers, as its operation is impossible without complex management, careful planning and proper maintenance.

The constant increase in consumption, the introduction of modern technologies, the connection of new energy sources, the introduction of the electricity market and the concern for sustainable development are factors that are constantly changing the power engineering sector.

The result of this engineering work is an efficient and reliable power system that provides consumers with one of the most flexible forms of energy – electricity.



Electronics engineers design electronic circuits using modern electronic components, sensors and integrated circuits.

In practice, we use tools for PCB and IC design, simulation and optimisation of analogue circuits and microprocessor systems development.

The main strength of an electronics engineer is a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the operation of modern devices, from analogue signal phenomena to digital processing and programming of electronic systems.


Mechatronics (mechanics and electronics) is a well-established integrated approach to electromechanical systems.

The term is usually defined as the synergy (complementarity) of mechanics, electronics, control engineering and computer science in the process of designing and realising engineering systems.

Due to the nature of the target systems, mechatronics is a multidisciplinary field that can only be mastered by appropriately trained personnel.

Mechatronics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, is a multidisciplinary field that combines knowledge of electromechanical components, power electronics systems, control, regulation and microprocessor technology.


Robotics uses knowledge from many disciplines, making it a distinctly multi and interdisciplinary scientific discipline.

It is multidisciplinary in the sense of combining knowledge from fields such as sensors, measurement, actuators, signal processing, kinematics, robot dynamics and control, virtual environments, robot vision, information and computer technologies, and interdisciplinary in the sense of transferring generic knowledge from one field to another.

This is also the design of this course. Robotics is not limited to applications within specific areas of manufacturing systems, but represents key developments in fields ranging from medicine, service and maintenance, security, agriculture and environmental protection.

Information and communication technologies

Information and communication technologies are present in all areas of life, encompassing the fields of computing and telecommunications, which are increasingly merging due to their extremely rapid progress.

ICT thus encompasses data storage and processing, and the transmission of information over wireless and fibre-optic links, including copper and fibre-optic infrastructure.

Virtual and augmented reality, cognitive radio, the Internet of Things, machine-to-machine communication and 5th generation mobile networks are just a few examples.

A degree in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) will prepare you for a successful career in the modern world of always-connected devices, wireless communications, the internet and multimedia.

Advanced power systems

The electric power system is the largest system ever created by man.

Today’s electric power system is not just made up of generators, lines and consumers.

It consists of protection and control devices, electronic components, various communication and information systems, data acquisition and processing systems, artificial intelligence and security systems, and end-user behaviour models.

To keep it in balance, we need to know and use power electronics, advanced information and communication technologies, internet services and applications, end-user models and intelligent decision support and management systems.

Only with these skills can a graduate in Advanced Power Systems contribute to the efficiency and reliability of the power system, thus enabling the uninterrupted supply of one of the most flexible forms of energy – electricity – to consumers.

Napredni elektroenergetski sistemi

Today, there is no electric power system without electronics. Power electronics and the devices based on them can be used to move electricity along desired paths and deliver it to desired destinations.

In addition, electronics-based devices are used to monitor, protect and control the power system.

Modern power systems can no longer be imagined without the extensive involvement of information and communication systems.

If the electric power system is the vascualr system of today’s world, through which energy flows, ICT systems are its nervous system. That’s why your studies will also look at communication systems, data collection platforms, software and security, as well as services and their end-users. You will also encounter the Internet of Things and mobile systems and their use in advanced power systems.

During your studies, you will learn about all the components of the electric power system. Most electricity is still generated by conventional sources of electricity, i.e. hydroelectric, thermal and nuclear power plants. However, alternative sources of electricity are being increasingly used to minimise environmental impact: solar, wind and geothermal energy and wave power.

The study of advanced power systems provides, on one hand, fundamental knowledge of electricity generation, transmission and consumption and, on the other hand, specific knowledge of modern technologies and approaches used in this field. Graduates will gain a broad knowledge base that provides a quality basis for further education in doctoral studies related to electricity, as well as power electronics and information communication technologies.

The electric power system must operate differently today than it was ment to at its inception and in its formative years more than a century ago. It needs to be much more dynamic, it needs to respond quickly to change, it needs to be digitalised and it needs to be increasingly reliable. This is only possible through the integration and use of electronic components, modern information and communication technologies, data and artificial intelligence.

In the future, it will therefore be necessary to look for new opportunities to integrate modern generation sources to increase the capacity of existing and new transmission facilities and to ensure a reliable supply of quality electricity to consumers, as well as the technical and economic viability of the entire electric power system, including human end-users. All this will not be possible without a new generation of engineers with the necessary skills in advanced power systems.


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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411