PhD Study Programmes

3rd cycle study programmes

Third Cycle

Broad professional horizons

The primary goal of PhD programmes at UL FE is the training of independent researchers with a broad professional horizon and in-depth methodological knowledge.

A PhD study of electrical engineering is an academic level of study in electrical engineering that inextricably links studies with scientific research and development work. The main focus of the programme is on the student’s independent creative research work, guided by a mentor. In order to adequately cover the increasingly diversified field of modern electrical engineering, the range of study contents is large and varied. The elective nature of the course gives students the opportunity to plan their own research career early and to pursue the needs of future employers.


Research work at the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Electrical Engineering is carried out in laboratories and programme and research groups.

The Faculty has 27 research laboratories operating within eight departments. The laboratories carry out programmes and projects under tenders of ministries and agencies of the Republic of Slovenia, cooperate with Slovenian industry, industry of other countries and are involved in projects of framework programmes and other European Community programmes.


Enrolment in the upper years of the first degree programmes of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in the academic year 2022/2023.

Study of the future

Slika programa

Electrical engineering

Third cycle doctoral programme Electrical Engineering

Slika programa


* Interdisciplinary programme in which UL FE participates as one of the providers

Slika programa

Technical statistics

* Interdisciplinary programme in which UL FE participates as one of the implementing partners

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411