Qualitative research for business

Subject description

Introduction to qualitative research: its placement in the research process in comparison with quantitative research, purpose and meaning.

Data sources for qualitative research.

Ethical dilemmas in the process of qualitative research.

Typologies of qualitative research methods.

Questioning-based qualitative research methods.

Observation-based qualitative research methods.

Sampling for qualitative research.

Analytical software support for qualitative research.

Qualitative research in practice.

Other emerging topics.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

The goal of the course is to introduce students to qualitative research emphasising those aspects which are relevant for successful practical application of qualitative research.

Teaching and learning methods

  • Lectures.

  • Seminars.

  • Tutorials.

  • Project work.

  • Presentations.

Expected study results

In-depth knowledge of theoretical and practical aspects of qualitative research.

Understanding the links between qualitative and quantitative research.

Understanding the link between qualitative research and business analysis / business planning.

Skills acquisition:

  • secondary data search, evaluation and use in qualitative research;

  • primary data collection, evaluation and use in qualitative research;

  • use of analytical software packages in qualitative research; visualisation and dissemination of qualitative research results.

Basic sources and literature

  • Ograjenšek, I. (2015): Theory and Practice of Qualitative Research. In Greenfield, T. (ed.), Research Methods for Postgraduates. Wiley.

  • Arh, M., Ograjenšek, I., Perčič, E. (2014): Introduction to Qualitative Research. [Lecture Notes]

  • Izbrani članki. / Selected articles.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E:  dekanat@fe.uni-lj.si T:  01 4768 411