Systematic and Evolutionary Biology

Subject description

Selected topics in systematic biology, phylogenetics and phylogenomics, evolutionary biology, biogeography, biodiversity informatics and related disciplines.


The studies proceed according to a personal study plan prepared by the student and his mentor. The plan needs to be approved by the lecturer, to whom the student reports her/is advance. It can contain various activities like attendance at workshops, lectures, seminars, work on a scientific paper, gaining new laboratory skills, etc.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

  • To develop independent scientific thinking in the fields of systematic and evolutionary biology.
  • Understanding and critical evaluation of new scientific findings in the area of candidate’s PhD work
  • To foster the ability to clearly formulate complex scientific problem in systematics and evolutionary biology.

Teaching and learning methods

The work proceeds according to an individually tailored study plan, approved by the lecturer. The plan may consist of:

1. studies of selected topics in evolutionary and systematic biology;

2. practical training in laboratory and field;

3. attending lectures of invited speakers from abroad and Slovenia;

4. participating in seminars, discussion groups, journal clubs;

5. participating at scientific meetings;

6. participating at workshops, summer schools and other forms of education.

Expected study results

Knowledge and understanding:

The student masters systematic and evolutionary knowledge to the degree where she or he can participate in scientific communication at the international level, e.g. by presenting her or his work at a scientific meeting or by writing a manuscript of a scientific paper.

Basic sources and literature

  • D. Futuyma, M. Kirkpatrick (2022) Evolution, 5th edition, 592 pages. Oxford University Press.
  • Izbor znanstvenih člankov / Selected scientific papers
  • Izbrana poglavja drugih učbenikov / Selected chapters in other textbooks

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411