Bioeconomy, innovation and management of systems in life sciences

Subject description

Bioeconomy – definitions, principles, context

– key concepts of (circular) bioeconomy

– economic and wider social context

– characteristics of material flows and processes by biomass sources

Technologies and innovations in the bioeconomy

– key and complementary technologies in cascading/circular use of biomass

Economics of bioeconomy

– bioeconomy in the economic system – current status and projections

– demand factors in the bioeconomy

– factors of supply and organization of business processes in the bioeconomy

– markets, business models and a supportive environment in the bioeconomy

– institutions, governance and political economy of the bioeconomy

Evaluation and management support instruments

– limitations and perspectives of statistical monitoring in the bioeconomy

– performance evaluation: biophysical and monetary approaches

– evaluation according to the principles of (material / environmental, economic and social) sustainability

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

It is a fundamental doctrinal course of the scientific field Economics of natural resources. Its fundamental aim is to present in a systematic and theoretically comprehensive way the specifics of economic systems and management aspects in bio-based industries.

Teaching and learning methods

  • Lectures or consultations
  • Seminar

Expected study results

Knowledge and understanding:

Students are introduced to the conceptual framework of bioeconomy. They are able to translate the the principles of bioeconomy into solving of research and organizational problems related to the different areas of bio-based industries.

Basic sources and literature

Viaggi, D. 2018. The Bioeconomy. Delivering Sustainable Green Growth. CAB International, Oxfordshire (UK), Boston (MS).

Langeveld, H., Sanders, J., Meeusen, M. (Eds.). 2014. The Biobased economy. Biofuels, materials and chemicals in the post-oil era. Earthscan, London, Sterling (VA).

Lewandowski, I. (Ed). 2018. Bioeconomy. Shaping the Transition to a Sustainable, Biobased Economy. Springer, Cham (SUI).

Stare, D., Ščap, Š., Mihelič, R., Mavsar, S., Mešl, M., Humar, M., Osojnik Črnivec, I.G., Križnik, N.B., Likozar, B., Oven, P., Juvančič, L. 2020. Ovrednotenje in karakterizacija biomase. Ljubljana: Biotehniška fakulteta.

Lovec, M., Juvančič, L., Mešl, M. 2019. Premostitev vrzeli v biogospodarstvu od gozdne in kmetijske biomase do inovativnih tehnoloških rešitev : družbeni kontekst prehoda v biogospodarstvo. Ljubljana: Biotehniška fakulteta.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411