Strategic planning and policy analysis

Subject description

The meaning and implication of planning on strategic level. Macro-trends and driving forces. Strategic planning: economic, social and environmental aspects. Basic principles of socio- economic analysis. Methods and approaches in strategic planning: (1) Methods of developing and conceptualising alternatives: forecasting, visioning scenario modelling (prospective and proactive scenarios).

(2) Methods of evaluating alternatives: SWOT analysis, cost-benefit analysis, Delphi, multicriteria evaluation against a range of criteria and against the objectives.  

(3) Methods of undertaking consultation, participation and conflicts resolutions on strategic level: interest groups, negotiations,

Institutional and political framework of strategic planning. Instruments of strategic management: policies, plans and programmes, measures.

The basis of policy analysis. Policy impact assessment on environment/space/sustainable development.


The theoretical knowledge is applied on a practical case in the seminar.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

to make students comprehend the strategic dimensions of spatial problems

-to obtain knowledge about concepts and theories of strategic planning and decision making

-to get to know and to learn how to use methods and tools for strategic planning, forecasting, scenario development and policy analysis

-to understand the role of stakeholders in the planning process and to learn how to use methods and tools for participation and consultation.

To be able to determine the hierarchy (of problems, criteria, objesctives, solutions)

To be able to develop visons, objectives and measures for implementation

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures, discussion in groups, case studies,

individual seminar work with consultation

Presentation of seminar task with discussion

Expected study results

Knowledge and understanding:

Of processes and trends on strategic levels.

Of Methods and approaches to strategic planning, policy analysis and policy impact assessment

Of methods ofargumentation, negotiation and decision-making



Of SWOT analysis and scenario approach, visions and concepts of (spatial) development, multicriteria evaluation, use of selected methods How to develop and use scenario models

How to carry out stakeholder analysis

in strategic planning (developing policies, plans and programs on national and regional level and strategic impact assessments)

How to evaluate options

How to develop a  monitoring and evaluation programme

resources, strategies of existing policies, prevailing ethical cultural and geopolitical basics for planning and related decision making forms.


Transferable skills: Strategic thinking and analysis of complex problems, functioning in interdisciplinary groups and complex institutional environments, identification

Reflection: of validity of existing knowledge and value systems in a strategic context, prevailing concepts of sustainable development and management of natural

and formulation of problems, prioritization, argumentation, conceptualising alternatives,

participation in a consultation process

Basic sources and literature

J. Friedman: Planning in the public domain: From Knowledge to action, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1987

Kontič B., Marega M. (ur.), 2000, Trajnostno regionalno razvojno načrtovanje, Regionalni center za okolje za srednjo in vzhodno Evropo, Ljubljana, 104 str.

RADEJ, Bojan, GOLOBIČ, Mojca, MACUR, Mirna, DRAGOŠ, Srečo. Vrednotenje politik : obzorja nove miselnosti. Ljubljana: Vega, 2011. 247 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-93138-0-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 257309696]

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