Forest ecosystem management

Subject description

Concepts and methods of forest management.

Multi-objective and sustainable forest management. Adaptive forest management. Risk management. Participation.

Forest land-use management.

Forest functions. Ecosystem services. Priority areas. Multiple forest land use. Changes of forest cover.

Structure and development of forest stands.

Data sources. Stand dynamics. Growth. Modelling. Changes at landscape and regional level. Influential factors. 

Forest management.

Planning, monitoring, evaluation. Multi-objective forest management. Optimization methods and uncertainty. Cases.

Water management in forests.

Integrated water management in forested watersheds and forest hydrology.

Wildlife management.

Planning. Monitoring. Tools. Identification of stakeholders and their interests. Involvement of stake-holders. Optimization of the effects of wildlife. Multi objective management. Specifics of management of protected species.

Nature/biodiversity conservation.

Forests and environment.

Management cases.

Private forests. Protection forests. Natura 2000 sites. Urban forests. Uneven-aged forests etc.

Management tools.

Data sources. Methods of collecting data. Decision support methods. Structural equation modelling. Monitoring. Information systems. Cases.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

The main objective: to gain an insight into the concept of integral forest management (FM), to deepen knowledge on management of forest resources, to gain an insight into relevant research topics in the field of ecosystem forest management.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures (selected chapters), guided seminars, lab work, fieldwork, participation in research projects.

The content of the subject is adapted to the profile of PhD students.

Expected study results

Knowledge and understanding:

A student gets acquainted with the concept of ecosystem forest management, masters the model of adaptive forest management, is introduced to selected forest resources and their management.

A student is introduced to problems and perspectives in ecosystem forest management.

A student is acquainted with problems concerning nature conservation, and environmental management, and is introduced to some of the management tools.

Basic sources and literature

Amatya, D.M., Williams, T.M., Bren, L., de Jong, C., 2016. Forest Hydrology – Processes, Management and Assessment, CABI, 280 str.

Betting, P., Boston, K., Siry, J.P., Grebner, D.L., 2009. Forest Management and Planning. Academic Press, Elsevier, San Diego, 331str.

Chang, M., 2013. Forest Hydrology – An Introduction to Water and Forests, 3rd Ed., CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 569 str.

Franklin, J.F., Johnson, K.N., Johnson, D.L., 2018. Ecological Forest Management. Waveland Press, Long Grove, Illinois.

Kangas, A., Kangas, J., Kurttila, M., 2008. Decision Support for Forest Management. Springer, 217 str.

Krausman, P.R., James, W.C (eds.). 2003.  Wildlife Management and Conservation: Contemporary Principles and Practices. Johns Hopkins University Press, 360 str.

Krebs, C.J. 1999. Ecological Methodology, 2nd ed. Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers, Inc,. 620 str.

Levia, D.F., Carlyle-Moses, D.E., Iida, S., Michalzik, B., Nanko, K., Tischer, A., 2020. Forest-Water Interactions, Springer International Publishing, 628 str.,

Meng, F-R., Li, Q., Arain, A., Pisaric, M., (eds.) 2019. Forest Hydrology and Watershed. MDPI, Basel, 192 str.

Putman, Rory, Marco Apollonio, and Reidar Andersen, (eds.). 2011. Ungulate management in Europe: problems and practices. Cambridge University Press, 2011. 396 str.

Williams, B.K., Szaro, R.C., Shapiro, C.D., 2007. Adaptive management: the U.S. Department of the Interior. Technical guide. Adaptive working group, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, DC.

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