Quantitative and statistical genetics

Subject description

Methods of changing genetic structure  of populations will be presented focusing on the analyses of their efficiency with respect to genetic level as well as to the covariance structure. Parameters describing age structure, replacement rate and their effect on genetic changes will be studied. Relationship between individuals will be used to explain additive and non-additive genetic effects. Methods  which modify relationship between individuals will be presented together with molecular genetic methods for verification of relationship. The concept and methods of genetic evaluation will be presented like selection index, mixed model methodology, genomic procedures, and maximum likelihood methods . Novelties in performance testing as well as data recording systems (sources, methods, impact). Importance of the data structure for accuracy of genetic values will be stressed. Both phenotypic and genetic information on metric traits will be dealt with, and their use in selection. Attention will be devoted to random drifts of genes in small populations, maintenance of genetic diversity and reconstruction of endangered populations. Actual topics will also be discussed, such as random regression, genotype-environment interaction, genomic principles. Selection programmes for production traits and especially novel traits will be discussed (robustness, survival analyses, longevity, lifetime production, production functions).

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

The student will deepen theoretical starting points of genetic evaluation of animals, forecasting and monitoring the effects of selection and other methods of improving populations. He or she will be familiarised with methods for studying the genetic structure of populations. Genetic and statistical aspects will be highlighted.

Teaching and learning methods

  • lectures,
  • computer exercises,
  • project task,
  • seminar exercises.

Expected study results

We envisage that a student will deepen knowledge of quantitative and statistical genetics amd will be trained for planning research and analysing data mainly for the needs of selection and balanced breeding.

Basic sources and literature

  • Študijsko gradivo, aktualni znanstveni članki v povezavi s projektno nalogo. / Study material, topical scientific articles in connection with the project task.
  • Gianola, d., Hammond K. 1990. Statistical Methods for Genetic Improvements of Livestock. Springer-Verlag, 534 str.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E:  dekanat@fe.uni-lj.si T:  01 4768 411