Subject description
The content covers the following contemporary key topics from organization, management and organizational behaviour: key definitions (firm, organization, business, business model); determinants of individual behaviour in organizations (personality characteristics, motivation, knowledge, skills, interpersonal interactions); fine-grained look at the elements of the business model (value proposition, scarce resources, business activities, and profit formula); analysis of the business model (identifying the business model, evaluation of the business model, diagnosis of the problems of the business model, strategic options approach to the identification of solution for the problems).
The subject is taught in programs
Objectives and competences
The objective of the course is to present to students key topics from the field of organization and management, which will enable them to successfully perform in management roles in enterprises and government institutions.
To reach this objective the following student competences need to be developed:
students have to acquire the knowledge from key topics of organization and management,
students need to learn how to examine and solve organizational and management issues in enterprises and government institutions,
students need to understand the interconnectedness of organization and management issues with information system deployment and change issues.
Teaching and learning methods
Lectures, exercises with group discussion, role playing, simulations or real world situations, case studies, team project work on seminars with required presentation of the results.
Expected study results
The students will gain a thorough understanding of key topics in organization and management.
The students will be able to critically analyze, syntesize and evaluate key topics of organization and management.
The students will need to demonstrate their practical ability to evaluate key organizational and management characteristics for 3 publicly traded companies.
The students will be able to examine and solve organizational and management issues thus enabling them to occupy management positions.
The course will enable students to critically evaluate their work as well as what is expected of them in a managerial role in enterprises and government institutions.
The students will gain a broader view and understanding about the needed person-organization fit, needed alignment in enterprises and government institutions between business and organization on one side and information system on the other.
Basic sources and literature
Daft Richard L. in Marcic Dorothy: Understanding Management: Twelfth Edition. Bostno,: CengageLearning, 2023, 646 pages.
Daft, Richard L. in Armstrong, Ann: Organization Theory and Design. Third Canadian Edition, Toronto: Nelson Education, 2015, 671 pages.