Electrical Engineering +

Cyber ​​security is a key area that focuses on protecting data, networks and systems from digital attacks and abuse. At the faculty, we create innovative solutions that ensure security in the digital age, where daily exposure to digital threats is increasing.

Cyber ​​security is fundamental to protecting our personal data, financial transactions, communications networks and critical infrastructure. With the continuous advancement of technology, the complexity and frequency of cyber-attacks are also increasing, which requires constant and effective protection. Our research and educational activity is aimed at developing advanced security mechanisms that protect every aspect of our digital life.

The future in the field of cyber security dictates even greater automation, artificial intelligence and the use of data analysis for early detection and prevention of cyber attacks. The development of quantum computers brings new challenges and opportunities for cybersecurity, as quantum computing technology can threaten existing cryptographic standards. This is where secure quantum communications come in. It is also important to educate and raise awareness among the public, as well as to provide qualified professionals who can cope with the constant threats.

Electrical engineering is crucial in the development of cyber security, as it enables the development and implementation of complex security systems, networks, sensors and advanced technologies to prevent attacks. Our faculty combines knowledge from computer science, telecommunications, automation and informatics to create innovative solutions in the fight against cyber threats. With such multidisciplinary approach, we ensure the safety and reliability of systems that are key to the safe and efficient functioning of modern society.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E:  dekanat@fe.uni-lj.si T:  01 4768 411