Animal production systems

Subject description

In the course, we will cover the production systems in animal husbandry at the national, European and global level. All important species of farm animals (cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, poultry, horses, aquaculture) and all important productions (milk production, meat production, egg production, wool production,…) will be considered. We will discuss which continents and which countries produce the largest amounts of animal products and how they supply the world markets as well as which production systems are the most established and widespread. Particular emphasis will be placed on highly selected specialized global breeds on the one hand and on local breeds with small populations on the other hand, which make a significant contribution to the local market. We will study the suitability of different genotypes for each production system. Good practices in the primary production of food of animal origin will be presented. In the ecological aspects, we will highlight the appropriate use of animal excrement and measures to protect the environment in various rearing technologies. The latest findings and dilemmas about the effects of livestock farming on the environment (greenhouse gases, odours, …) will be discussed. We will learn about the design, implementation and data analysis considered various species, breeds, rearing technology and quality of animal products. Appropriate methods of statistical analysis of data from such studies will be presented.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

The aim of the course is to gain an insight into the diversity of production systems in animal husbandry and a competent knowledge of these systems. With an analytical approach, each student will comprehensively recognize the most suitable farm animal species for a certain production system to produce animal products with a high quality, taking into account technological, ethological and environmental requirements.

Teaching and learning methods

  • Lectures,
  • Individual consultations,
  • Independent preparation of the seminar

Expected study results

The expected study result is acquisition of deep knowledge of production systems in livestock farming and training of the student for planning, implementation and data analysis from animal husbandry researches.

Basic sources and literature

FAO. 2012. Global Livestock Production Systems. Rome, Food & Agriculture Organization, 168 str.

Squires V.R., Bryden W.L. 2019. Livestock: Production, Management Strategies and Challenges, NY, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 532 str.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411