Business statistics

Subject description

Introductory topics:

  • Relations among official statistics, economic statistics and business statistics.
  • Relevance of business statistics for business decision-making processes and economic policy-making.


Data sources for business decision-making:

  • Macro aspect.
  • Micro aspect.


Levels of analysis in business decision-making processes:

  • Analysis of macroeconomic environment.
  • Industry analysis.
  • Company analysis.


Statistical support for business decision-making:

  • In R&D function.
  • In HRM function.
  • In purchasing.
  • In production and operations.
  • In marketing.
  • In accounting and finance.


Statistical support for strategic decision-making.


Other relevant topics.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

After taking this course and based on the modern information technology the students should be able to:

  • find and/or collect, analyse and interpret relevant statistical data to solve a given business problem;
  • interpret basic economic, social and business implications of published official statistical data;
  • identify examples of business world's misuse of statistics.

Teaching and learning methods

  • Lectures.
  • Seminars.
  • Tutorials.
  • Project work.
  • Presentations.

Expected study results

Students will familiarize themselves with the basic concepts relevant in economics and business sciences, their statistical operationalisation and measurement.


Skills acquisition:

  • secondary data search, evaluation and use in economics and business sciences;
  • primary data collection, evaluation and use in economics and business sciences;
  • use of statistical software packages in economics and business sciences;
  • data/results of analysis visualisation and dissemination in economics and business sciences.

Basic sources and literature

  • Coleman, Shirley (ur.), Greenfield, Tony (ur.), Stewardson, Dave (ur.), Montgomery, Douglas C. (ur.). Statistical practice in business and industry, (Statistics in practice). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
  • Bregar L., Ograjenšek I.: Statistika za poslovno odločanje. Ljubljana : Ekonomska fakulteta, 2008.
  • Albright, S.C., W.L. Winston in C.J. Zappe (različne izdaje): Managerial Statistics. Pacific Grove: Duxbury.
  • Izbrani članki.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411