Economic statistics

Subject description

Starting points:

  • Relations between economic statistics, official statistics and macroeconomics.
  • Relevance of economic statistics for economic policy and business decision making.

Macroeconomic statistics:

  • System of national accounts as a conceptual framework for measurement in economics (definitions, units, classifications).
  • Indices.
  • Production statistics and price statistics.
  • International comparisons.
  • Financial statistics.

Demographic and social statistics:

  • Population statistics.
  • Labour market statistics.
  • Living conditions statistics.

Business statistics:

  • Short-term economic activity.
  • Statistics of selected topics (e.g. tourism, agriculture, trade).
  • Structural business statistics.

Other relevant topics (e.g. environmental statistics).

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

Course objective is to enable students, by using modern information technologies, to:

  • collect or find adequate statistical data and correctly analyse and interpret them;
  • explain basic economic, social and business implications of published statistical data;
  • identify examples of incorrect use of statistics.


  • Understanding conceptual foundations of economic statistics and judging quality and limitations of the indicators from the field of economic statistics based on methodological knowledge.
  • Ability to search, evaluate and use conceptually adequate secondary economic-statistical data.
  • Ability to collect, evaluate and use conceptually adequate primary economic-statistical data.
  • Ability to use statistical software tools for conducting statistical analysis, working with statistical databases and presenting and disseminating statistical data and the results of statistical analysis.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures, seminars, presentations.

Part of the pedagogical process will be carried out with the help of ICT technologies and the opportunities they offer.

Expected study results

Students will be introduced to the main statistical concepts of economic phenomena and processes. They will deepen their understanding of relations between economic-theoretical categories, their statistical operationalisation and statistical measurement in practice – especially from the perspective of modern statistical theory and practice.

The course will enable students for conducting statistical research of economic phenomena and processes at different levels and in different domains. Based on acquired knowledge and modern informational tools the students will be able to obtain conceptually adequate data of proper quality and through statistical analysis they will be able to explain their economic and other implications.

Basic sources and literature

  • Bregar L., Ograjenšek I., Bavdaž M.: Ekonomska statistika 2000. Ljubljana : Ekonomska fakulteta, 2002.
  • European Economic Statistics, Eurostat, 2008 []
  • System of national accounts, 2008.
  • Evropski sistem nacionalnih in regionalnih računov, Ljubljana, 2005 []
  • Lequiller, Blades: Understanding national accounts, OECD, 2006 []
  • Viri in metode ocenjevanja bruto nacionalnega dohodka, SURS 2007 []
  • Malačič: Demografija, Ekonomska fakulteta, 2006.
  • Izbrani članki / Selected articles.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411