Geographic information systemsas a research tool for biology and nature conservation

Subject description

Displaying spatial data: coordinate systems, geographic projections, georeferencing.

Data management and spatial databases.

GIS basics: data types, data presentation, map production.

Analyses in GIS: analyses of distances, spatial distributions, spatial autocorrelation, spatial algebra.

Application of GIS in spatial studies and nature conservation

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

To introduce the students to geographic information systems and spatial databases and build competence for independent use and analysis of spatial data in their own research.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures: theoretical foundation for understanding visualization and analysis of spatial data.

Practical work (Tutorial): hands-on learning though practical work with QGIS software. Guided practical work with computers.

Seminar: production of a seminar. The topic is selected by the student, either from his/her doctoral dissertation or from other interests.

Expected study results

Knowledge and understanding:

– of the basics of cartography and map production,

– of the principles of spatial data preparation and analyses,

– of the specifics of spatial analyses and modelling.

Ability to use the chosen GIS software; based on experiences of working with it, being able to work with other GIS software.


Being able to use GIS tools in own research.

Basic sources and literature

Longley, Paul A., Goodchils, Michael F., Maguire David J., Rhind, David W. 2005. Geographical Information Systems and Science, 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 517 str.


Revijalni članki s področja, internetna učna gradiva (,, itd.).


Journal articles from the study field, internet tutorials (,, etc.)

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411