Individaul research work for 4th year

Subject description

  • Composition of biofilms (biological,       chemical).
  • Structure, dynamics and development of  biofilms.
  • The effect of environmental factors on biofilm development.
  • Transport and cell to cell communications in biofilms.
  • Good and bad biofilms in agro-food industry.
  • Mechanical, chmeical and physical control of biofilm growth.
  • Advanced techniques for evaluation of a biofilm composition, structure and dynamics (i.e. confocal laser scanning microscopy, optical tweezers, interphase rheology, microfluidics).

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

Upon successful completion of the individual research training the student will learn how to use different techniques for the growth and characterization of biofilms. Will be familiar with various biotic and abiotic factors that influence biofilm development. The student will understand how to use different mechanical and physico-chemical   tretaments to control microbial growth in biofilms. Uses the advanced techniques for the evaluation of a biofilm composition, structure and dynamics.

Teaching and learning methods

In agreement with lecturers student determines the aims of the individual research project and performs the experiments related to growth and caracterization of biofilms in the laboratory. Student may use research tools developed in our laboratories for his/her PhD project related to microbial biofilms. In a seminar student produces a report about his/her individual research project.

Expected study results

Through individual research work in the laboratory student learns about the main biological and chemical components of biofilms. Understands structure – dynamic relationship in biofilms. Understands steps in biofilm formation, dispersal and disintegration. Understands physiological changes that allow biofilm formation. Understands transport phenomena in biofilms and role of signalling,  knows the main techniques used for studies of  biofilms. Student knows how to prevent or use biofilms.

Basic sources and literature

  • Microbial Biofilms, Second Edition; (ur.). Mahmoud Ghannoum, Matthew Parsek, Marvin Whiteley, Pranab K. Mukherjee, American Society for Microbiology, 2015
  • Hans-Curt Flemming, Jost Wingender, Ulrich Szewzyk, Peter Steinberg, Scott A. Rice & Staffan Kjelleberg, Nature Reviews Microbiology, 2016, 14, 563–575.
  •  revijalni članki s področja

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411