Modern Psychometric Test Theory

Subject description

1. Classical test theory:

– test score, true score and error;

– models and methods for reliability assessment ;

– practical uses of the reliability coefficient in test construction and score interpretation;

– reliability and the latent structure of a test.

2. Factor analysis in test construction.

3. Item response theory:

– fundamental measurement and the Rasch model;

– checking the model assumptions;

– other logistic models (for binary, ordered response and categorical items);

– multidimensional models; item factor analysis;

– test construction and adaptive testing;

– parallel forms construction and identification of DIF.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

Students are introduced to modern methods of psychometric analysis, with special emphasis on Rasch scaling / item response theory, and they (by examples from various areas) learn to use them. They can plan a measurement instrument construction and analysis within a selected paradigm. They understand assumptions, theoretical rationale and limitations of different approaches and are able to select the most appropriate solution for a specific measurement problem. They are trained to use specialized software.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures, seminar workshop, projects.

Expected study results

Knowledge and understanding:

Student are familiar with the most important psychometric approaches and models. They understand underlying assumptions and the meaning of the results of an analysis following a particular model.

Basic sources and literature

Bond, T. G., Yan, Z. in Heene, M. (2021). Applying the Rasch model. Fundamental measurement in the human sciences (4th ed.). Routledge.

Embretson, S.E. in Reise, S.P. (2000). Item response theory for psychologists. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Sočan, G. (2021). Psihometrična analiza s programom R. Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete.

van der Linden, W. J. (ur.) (2016). Handbook of item response theory. Volumes 1-3. CRC Press.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411