National accounts and transfers across generations

Subject description

  • Consistency between the systems of macroeconomic statistics and international comparability of economic aggregates,

  • Satellite accounts of different areas of economic policy,

  • Social accounting matrices (SAM) as statistical basis of models,

  • Introducing age dimension into the system of national accounts,

  • Transfers across generations,

  • Unpaid household work by age: production, consumption and transfers,

  • Population ageing and generational economy.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

Students will develop competences for solving open research issues on their own in the field of national accounts with the goals of greater consistency and international comparability of official statistics, analysis of efficiency of economic policy and provision of statistical basis of economic models.

Students will learn about extending the national accounts with the age dimension. Age is becomming increasingly important due to rapid population ageing. The new method, National Transfer Accounts (NTA), which we develop in the international research network, analyze the consumption and labour income by age. The surplus of consumption over labour income has to be financed either through private transfers (e.g. parents finance the clothing, food, dwelings of their children), public transfers (e.g. public education, health, pensions) or asset based realocation (e.g. selling propery, taking loan).

Students will understand and being able to analyze production (market and household) and economic flows across sectors and age groups, which is vital to comprehensively understand the economy, for intergenerational analyses, anayzing economic policy measures, long term sustainability of the public system etc.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures, practical analyses with computers, project work, individual assignments.

Expected study results

With the NTA results we can comprehensively analyse private transfers across age groups; understanding the impact of demographic changes on the economy; analysing sustainability of the public and private system of transfers in connection to population ageing, etc.

Basic sources and literature

  • Blades D.: Understanding National Accounts: An OECD Manual, OECD, Paris 2007, izbrana poglavja.

  • System of National Accounts 2008, New York: United Nations, 2009 (, izbrana poglavja.

  • European System of Accounts 2010, Luxembourg: European Union, 2013 (, izbrana poglavja.

  • Lee, R. D., & Mason, A. (2011). Population aging and the generational economy : a global perspective. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, izbrana poglavja.

  • National Transfer Accounts manual: Measuring and Analysing the Generational Economy. New York: United Nations, 2013, izbrana poglavja.

  • Stiglitz, J. E., Sen, A., & Fitoussi, J.-P. (2009). Report by the commission on the measurement of economic performance and social progress, Paris (, izbrana poglavja.

  • Izbrani članki.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411