Network Analysis

Subject description

  • Introduction, basic notions.
  • Sources of networks and collection of network data.
  • Quality of network measurement.
  • Types and representations of networks, network analysis software.
  • Structure of networks: connectivities, partitions, components, cuts, cores, reductions, pattern search.
  • Measures of centrality and importance, islands.
  • Valued networks, Markov chains as networks.
  • Acyclic networks.
  • Two-mode networks and multiplication of networks.
  • Temporal networks.
  • Clustering and blockmodeling.
  • Statistical analysis and modeling of networks; scale free networks.
  • Use of network analysis: genealogies, internet, text analysis, scientometrics,  etc.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

In the framework of this course students familiarise themselves with relational data analysis – network analysis, and acquire skills for independent application of network analysis methods and tools to their own problems.

Teaching and learning methods

Students need access to computers, internet and relevant software tools.

The program Pajek is available at .

Expected study results

Knowledge and understanding:

  • Students learn the notions and methods of network analysis.

  • They learn to prepare their own network data, analyze them using network analysis programs, and present and interpret the results.

Basic sources and literature

  • Wasserman S., Faust K.: Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications. CUP, 1994.

  • de Nooy W., Mrvar A., Batagelj V.: Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek. Second edition, CUP, 2011.

  • Scott J.: Social Network Analysis. London: Sage, 1991.

  • Degenne A., Forse M.: Introducing Social Networks. London: Sage, 1999.

  • Doreian P., Batagelj V., Ferligoj A.: Generalized Blockmodeling. CUP, 2005.

  • Kogovšek T., Hlebec V.: Merjenje socialnih omrežij. Študentska založba, Ljubljana, 2006.

  • Carrington P.J., Scott J., Wasserman S. (Eds.): Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis. CUP, 2005.

  • Brandes U., Erlebach T. (Eds.): Network Analysis: Methodological Foundations. LNCS, Springer, Berlin 2005.

  • Easley, D., Kleinberg, J.: Networks, Crowds, and Markets. CUP, 2010.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411