Network Analysis in Business and Economics

Subject description

1. Introduction to network analysis.

2. Interorganizational networks.

2.1 Interorganizational networks typology.

2.2 Data sources and data collection for interorganizational networks.

2.3 Interorganizational networks data analysis.


3. Intraorganizational networks.

3.1 Types of networks: collaboration, knowledge flow…

3.2 Data sources and data collection for intraorganizational networks.

3.3 Network data collection through questionaires.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

Covers the particular aspects of network data collection and network data analysis for use in business and economics.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures, computer lab. work, individual projects.

Expected study results

Knowledge and understanding:

After finishing this course the student will be able to collect the network data from different sources. She will be able to collect the data concerning networks of organizations and individuals within the organizations. The student will also be able to analyze the data using the specialized tools of network analysis.

Basic sources and literature

1. Martin Kilduff, Wenpin Tsai: Social Networks and Organizations. Sage, 2003.
2. Peter J. Carrington, John Scott, Stanley Wasserman: Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences). Cambridge University Press, 2005.
3. Izbrani članki in druga gradiva.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411