
Subject description

The contents of the course are current subjects from the following fields:

  • Diet in the light of evolution and evolutionary adaptation of humans and animals, the consequences of wrong dietary habits and nutrient intake that not meet the genetic requirements of the organism for health.
  • Sustainable diet of humans and animals.
  • Nutrition and microbiology of the gut: effect of nursing on the development of microbial ecosystems, interactions between ingested nutrients, microbial population and the gut, the effects on tissues and systems, nutritional manipulations.
  • Current research methods in nutritional research: the use of nutrigenomic and metabolomic methods in relation to human and animal health.
  • The impact of diet on longevity: the impact of individual macronutrients and micronutrients on longevity and the impact of energy restrictive diets on lifespan.
  • Food security depending on various events (epidemics, wars…).
  • The role and importance of government policies for creating sustainable food systems and improving the quality of nutrition.
  • Food-based dietary guidelines and links to global health initiatives and sustainable development goals.
  • The importance and role of data on the composition of food in sustainable food systems.
  • Food reformulation and factors of acceptability among consumers.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

By means of lectures, seminars and laboratory work and consultations, the student will obtain knowledge of current topics in nutritional research into human and also animal nutrition.

At the same time, modern nutritional research methods will be presented and discussed.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures (20 hours) and seminar (10 hours): in the classroom.


Expected study results

The intended outcome of the course is to qualify the student for critical evaluation of nutritional research and to introduce them into planning and performing of research.

Basic sources and literature

Aktualni članki s posameznega področja oz. vsebin, druga učna gradiva.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411