Physical Education

Subject description

General theoretical part contains

lectures, which are common to all sports programs and are given collectively for

all students (basic operation of the human body, its physical, cardiovascular

and respiratory system, psychomotor and functional abilities, sports and physical

activity as a preventive and curative activity for maintaining and reinforcing

health, the basics of healthy eating, regulation of body weight and other

medical aspects of sport, methods for testing and assessment of psychomotor

status and functional abilities). Additionally, students can prepare a short

seminar paper (about 3 to 4 pages) from the general theoretical content.

Special theoretical part is bound to the selected sport (specialties of the sport

and its impact on the humans, sport technique, tactics and rules,

fundamentals of physical and technical tactical preparation) and is implemented

through practical exercises.

Practical exercises: students can choose from sports (basketball, soccer,

volleyball, swimming, fitness, outdoor activities) in the framework of the

offered two modules.

Module one: Educational program  Content of the educational program of sports are

sports, which are performed in a variety of formats and at several levels of complexity. In

includes the learning programs and training in selected sports (with the required supplements the training scheme may be also suitable for training for professional work in the sport), which is carried out continuously over the two semesters; or, if more appropriate, in the more concentrated form.

Module two (only as supplement to module one): Competition program

The competition program includes all faculty, university, inter-university and international

competitions (European and world competitions and Universiade) in selected sports and is an integral part of the active coexistence of students, teachers and other members of the

University, to participate within the faculties and universities. This program includes pre-judged the students.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

The objectives of the course are to encourage students to evolve the positive attitudes towards sport through an organized and systematic guided sport practice; to raise

awareness on the values of sport; to accustom students to a healthy lifestyle and active and

creative use of free time; to guide organized sport at the University and wider; to

precautionary influence the effects of the lack of exercise; to develop mental and physical skills; and to improve knowledge in selected individual sports.

Teaching and learning methods

Teaching and learning methods:

• lectures,

• lectures in the context of exercises,

• exercises,

• group and individual consultations

Expected study results

Knowledge and understanding:

Students recognize the fundamental terms and theories of functioning of human  locomotor, cardiovascular and respiratory system and its pathologies.

 Designed of a rational and emotional attitude towards physical effort.

n practice, the theory of active rest and methods for regenerating the body were tested

Test  healthy eating and weight control.

Use knowledge in the chosen sports

Conquering the contents of sport

as foundations for enabling the quality of life.

Application: use of the acquired knowledge to

compensate for the daily stress during the study.

Reflection: use of the acquired knowledge to

compensate for the daily stress in the

profession and family life.

Transferable skills – not tied to just one


Basic sources and literature

Temeljni študijski viri:

  • Splošna literatura za tiste segmente, ki so skupne vsem programom (vedenja o vplivu športne aktivnosti na zdrav način življenja in vzdrževanja psihofizičnega ravnovesja ter ohranjanja delovnih sposobnosti).

Obvezna literatura:

  1. Društvo za zdravje srca in ožilja Slovenije (2000). Lepota gibanja tudi za zdravje (izbrana poglavja). Ljubljana: Društvo za zdravje srca in ožilja Slovenije, 336 str.
  2. Društvo za zdravje srca in ožilja Slovenije (1997). Prehrana – vir zdravja (izbrana poglavja). Ljubljana: Društvo za zdravje srca in ožilja Slovenije, 315 str.
  3. Rotovnik-Kozjek, N. (2004). Gibanje je življenje (izbrana poglavja). Ljubljana: Domus, 238 str.

Priporočljiva literatura:

  1. Thomas R. Beachle, Roger W. Earle ( copyright 2000, 1994 by the National Strenght and Conditioning Association) Essentials of  strenght training and conditioning
  2.  Berčič, H. et al. (2001). Šport v obdobju zrelosti. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za šport UL, Inštitut za šport, 210 str.
  3. Brtavničar  -Lasan, M., (1996) Fiziologija športa harmonija med delovanjem in mirovanjem, Ljubljana, Univerza v Ljubljani , Fakulteta za šport, 208 str.
  4. CINDI Slovenija (2002). Krepimo zdravje z gibanjem in zdravo prehrano (mednarodna konferenca – Radenci). Ljubljana: CINDI Slovenija, 177 str.
  5. Dervišević, E., Vidmar, J. (2011). Vodič športne prehrane, Ljubljana, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za šport, 177 str.
  6. Francis, P. R. (1996). Real exercise for real people : Finding your optimum level of physical activity for a life time of healty living. Rocklin: Prima Pub,178 str.
  7. Inštitut za varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije (2000). Gibanje za zdravje (svetovni dan zdravja). Ljubljana: Inštitut za varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije, 85 str.
  8. Nancy Clark, Sportska prehrana; Izvori energije za vaš aktivan način življenja ( 2000 ). (prevod knjige Marija Paulus ) – Zagreb: Gopal 2000.
  9. Pistotnik B. (2011). Osnovna gibanja v športu – Osnove gibalne izobrazbe. Ljubljana, Univerza v Ljubljani, fakulteta za šport, 163 str.
  10. Pokorn, D. (1988). Gorivo za zmagovalce – prehrana športnika in rekreativca. Ljubljana: Inštitut za varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije, 153 str. Russell, R. V. (1982). Planning programs in recreation. St. Louis, Toronto, London: The C. V. Mosby Company, 352 str.
  11. Sharkey, B., J. (1997). Fitness and health (4th ed.). Champaign, Windsor, Leeds, Lower Mitcham, Auckland: Human Kinetics, 417 str.
  12. Ušaj, A. (1997). Kratek pregled osnov športnega treniranja. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za šport UL, Inštitut za šport, 299 str.

Specifična literatura glede na izbrane programe po posameznih športnih panogah oziroma druge programe.

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