
The workshops are held in the Laboratory for multimedia at the faculty.

The basis of modelling with Blender

3D models are becoming more and more common, they are used in virtual environments, animated videos, augmented reality and more. The basis of modelling include a basic introduction of Blender, how to prepare a working environment and the first steps of modelling in a 3D environment. During the workshop, participants will learn the basic principles and create their own model, which they will then paint and export as images.

Method of delivery:The basis of modelling are taught in workshops, where each participant uses guided modelling (step by step) to create their own model, paint it and export it.

Duration: 5 hours.

Group size limits: up to 12 participants.

The basis of modelling with Blender

3D models that are properly made can be brought to life in different ways and given a temporal dimension through animation. Animation basis include an introduction to the basic constraints and specifics of models suitable for different types of animation, the basics of animation with Blender, skeleton creation and basic animation in a 3D environment.

Method of delivery: the basis of animation are taught in the form of workshops, where each participant is guided (step by step) to create a skeleton, animate and export their product accordingly.

Duration: 5 hours.

Group size limits: up to 12 participants.

Video editing basis

Video is becoming an increasingly important means of communication. With the right video editing, videos can attract more viewers and make the content more engaging.

Method of delivery: within workshop, participants learn about basic approaches, correct settings of the work environment, tools and methods of video production with the help of the editing process.According to a pre-prepared script and story, the recordings are compiled into a short complete whole and exported to the appropriate format.

Duration: 5 hours.

Group size limits: up to 12 participants.

The basis of colour matching in video editing

Colour has a significant impact on the final look of a video. It can be used to create the right mood, influencing the viewer’s emotions and holding their attention. In this workshop, participants will learn about the basic problems of an edited video, which consists of different shots that are not properly colour-coordinated.

Method of delivery: participants practice the process of colour correction of video clips on a short video segment.

Duration: 5 hours.

Group size limits: up to 15 participants.

Participant’s equipment: Prior attendance at a basic video editing course is recommended.

The basis of recording an interview

We shoot a video almost every day, but it’s not enough to just set up a camera and shoot. There are many factors to consider to get a good shot: the right positioning of people, the camera, lights and the microphone. Knowing the basic features of the camera and the equipment used is crucial.

Method of delivery: The workshop is organised through practical examples of correct and incorrect work, and participants try the roles of a camera operator, a lighting technician, a sound technician and a performer. The final product is suitable for editing in video editing.

Duration: 5 hours.

Group size limits: up to 15 participants.

The basis of live broadcasting

There are specific constraints and peculiarities when recording live events/broadcasts, which can be exploited with the right knowledge. In addition to the set-up of the equipment itself, the dynamics of the event, the equipment used in the performance and the way in which it is recorded or webcast must also be taken into account.

Method of delivery: The workshop is organised as a group activity, where participants try out different roles and learn about good practices through practical examples.

Duration: 5 hours.

Group size limits: up to 15 participants.

Participant’s equipment: rior training in the basics of interview recording or basic knowledge of interview recording is recommended.


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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411