Introduction to Arduino
The aim of the workshop will be to create a prototype weather station that stores data on the internet.

Uvod v Arduino in IoT vremenska postaja
We will learn about the Arduino microcontroller (Mega ADK) and use this and additional sensors (DHT11, BMP280) to make measurements of temperature, humidity and air pressure. With the help of an additional microcontroller (WeMos D1 mini) we will connect to the internet via WiFi and send and process all the acquired data on an IoT web platform.
Programme of the science and technology day:
- learning the basics of the Arduino microcontroller,
- capturing measurements from different sensors,
- Internet connection via WiFi,
- sending data to an online IoT platform,
- displaying the captured measurements and triggering further events.
The programme, which lasts four hours, can accommodate up to 30 participants. The price is 10€ per participant (VAT included), and registrations in advance are required to ensure the availability of essential equipment.
Programme implementation: Leon Štefanič Južnič