Laboratory for MachineIntelligence

The Laboratory for Machine Intelligence was created in 2017 by the merger of the Laboratory for Artificial Sensing, Systems and Cybernetics (LUKS) and the Laboratory for Machine Vision and is part of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana.

The Laboratory is used for both teaching and research. The following subjects are taught at the LSI: pattern recognition, signals, signal analysis, speech and image technologies, intelligent systems in automation, information and codes, seminar in biometric systems, random processes and signals, language and web technologies, image technologies, computer vision, electronics with digital technology, electronics in automation, communications in automation and embedded systems. The members of the laboratory are active in research in areas related to the content of these courses, thus ensuring the relevance of the subjects taught. Recent publications by members of the laboratory are available on the LSI publications page.

The lab’s research focuses on: speech and imaging technologies, computer and machine vision, machine learning, artificial intelligence and pattern recognition. In the field of speech technologies, the lab’s members work on problems such as automatic (Slovenian) speech recognition, synthesising (Slovenian, emotionally coloured) speech, speaker recognition, building systems for dialogue, spatial localisation based on acoustic signals, human-machine communication, etc. In the field of imaging technologies, the members of the laboratory focus mainly on biometric systems (face recognition, palm prints, fingerprints, etc.), where they actively collaborate with foreign universities, organise high-profile international conferences and workshops, and contribute to the development of the field through their research work.



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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411