Changes to the Learning Agreement – Study abroad programme

When you arrive abroad, you may find that you are unable to take some of the courses you have already registered for (because they are not in English, they are not in the semester you were supposed to take them in, you find that you have already taken the course at home, the material is completely different from what was planned before the exchange, etc.), in which case you should proceed as follows.

First Step

Immediately inform your UL FE mentor and the Erasmus coordinator at UL FE( and abroad about the situation.

Second Step

Together with your UL FE mentor (usually by email), coordinate the changes to your study programme (this is the form that needs to be signed by you, your mentor, the Head of Department, the Erasmus Coordinator and the Dean before your exchange). You can fill in only the During the mobilitypart or even better make a new LA (fill it in again before mobility, as this way you will have less problems with the recognition of the content later on). Make sure that your home courses are the same as the ones in STUDIS – these courses cannot be changed.

Third Step

Your mentor will sign and return the form to you, and you should submit it to the Student Office ( – all signatures should be in digital format.

Final Step

The completed and signed form (the new Learning Agreement) will be submitted by the Student Office (Katarina Erjavec Drešar) to the Erasmus Coordinator for approval and, after his/her approval, to the Dean of UL FE for signature. After his/her signature, a copy of the signed form will be sent to you by e-mail.

The form must be completed digitally and signed.


In case of extension of the exchange (instructions from the University of Ljubljana)

If you wish to extend your exchange from one semester to two, please follow the instructions:

1. you should first check with the Erasmus coordinator at both your home university and the host university whether they agree with your planned extension and the proposed study agreement,

2. if both parties reply positively, please upload the following documents in your Erasmus+ financial assistance online application – UL application(, under the tab “Extension request”::

  • a request explaining why you want to extend and stating the new expected end date (there is no separate form, you write free text),
  • written agreement from the home coordinator (can be e-mail),
  • written agreement from the foreign coordinator (can be e-mail),
  • a new LA for the second semester, signed by both parties(please note that at least 20 ECTS must also be completed in the second semester).

Some institutions want the agreement of the UL before they themselves approve the extension. In such cases, ask the Erasmus coordinator to write to the Erasmus student abroad to let them know whether they agree to the extension.

You can extend your Erasmus+ exchange to a maximum of 12 months in total. This period also includes any months already used from a previous Erasmus exchange or placement at the same level of study. However, the maximum funding period will be limited to 10 months or 300 days if you extend to an additional semester.

Once all the documents listed above have been uploaded, you will receive an Addendum to the contract in the mail. Please print two copies of the addendum, sign both and return them to us. We will also sign the addendum here and send 1 signed copy to your home address.

The payment will also be made in two instalments, 80% after the signature of the Addendum and 20% after the completion of the exchange and reporting.

Those of you who extend will only report at the end.

Please also keep the contact person at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at UL ( informed of all steps.


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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411