Undergraduate study programmes

Find out about our 1st cycle study programmes.

The best study programme

Study of the future

We live in a time of great technological progress, when engineering, technology and science professions are growing exponentially in importance. It is hard to imagine life without electricity and electrical appliances, because without electrical engineering, one of the cornerstones of most modern technologies, life comes to a screeching halt.

Electrical engineering is experiencing unimaginable developments at the moment. Our faculty is of course not only watching from afar. Our researchers are active co-creators of the extremely rapid technological developments with their scientific results. Whereas in the slightly more distant past we used to talk about electrical engineering being divided into weak current and strong current, today the Faculty of Electrical Engineering covers a really wide range of fields. Many of them used to seem like science fiction: robots, self-driving electric vehicles, photovoltaic cells, microscopically small circuits and sensors, advanced technologies for the treatment of cancer and cardiac arrhythmias, the incredible development of information and communication technologies that are not a virtual reality, but are here and now …

Electrical engineers are the ones who turn initial thoughts that sometimes seem impossible into ideas, and ideas into real devices that serve us well in our daily lives and work. There is no end in sight to this development, and a large part of the credit for this goes to our professors, researchers and students, both in Slovenia and internationally.

Studying Electrical Engineering and Multimedia at UL FE is characterised by enthusiasm, passion for work, a broad horizon in approaches to problems and innovation in finding solutions. We look for this attitude in our staff and we need it in our current and future students. Such attitude produces results, such attitude drives development forward.

Inženirji elektrotehnike so tisti, ki začetne zamisli, ki se včasih zdijo nemogoče, pretvorijo v ideje, ideje pa v realne naprave, ki nam s pridom služijo v vsakdanjem življenju in delu. Temu razvoju še zdaleč ni videti konca in za velik del tega so v slovenskem in mednarodnem prostoru zaslužni tudi naši profesorji, raziskovalci in študentje.

Študij elektrotehnike in multimedije na UL FE zaznamujejo zagnanost, strast do dela, široko obzorje v pristopih k težavam in inovativnost v iskanju rešitev. Tako naravnanost iščemo pri naših zaposlenih in potrebujemo pri naših sedanjih in bodočih študentih. Takšna naravnanost daje rezultate, takšna naravnanost žene razvoj naprej.

Practice-oriented programmes

The faculty produces the best professionals in the field of electrical engineering and conducts innovative scientific research programmes and projects at home and abroad, while effectively translating the research results into practice.

At the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, the best lecturers and researchers in the fields of electrical engineering and multimedia, as well as experts from practical field, help students master the latest technologies. In research laboratories and in collaboration with companies, students have access to the latest equipment representing the present and the future of electrical engineering, multimedia and digital technologies.

Through lectures and tutorials, students acquire the fundamental skills of the engineering profession, enabling them to analytically understand a problem and plan the appropriate steps to reach a solution. In doing so, we encourage students to challenge established solutions and guide them towards innovation. We give wings to imagination and creativity.

In addition to technical competences, students also acquire a range of soft skills that are essential for team leadership, project management, partnership building, business communication, collaboration with experts from other disciplines and communication with different publics.

Cooperation with the business sector

The Faculty has always attached great importance to what the economy and the environment have to say. No technical faculty can be a good faculty without good cooperation with business. The economy needs us, but at the same time it supports in one way or another the possibilities for further development of the field of electrical engineering.

It is important that the faculty’s teachers and researchers transfer their knowledge directly into the business sector, which enables companies to increase their competitiveness, while at the same time our employees improve their professional skills by transferring theory into practice. By providing these activities, our experts keep the faculty in direct contact with the real business environment.

In this way, it also enables students to broaden their horizons beyond the confines of lecture rooms and laboratories, to gain experience and knowledge, and to further their career paths through established business contacts.


Before you can use your study years to explore, create, broaden your horizons and socialise with other students, you need to enrol.

Schedule of lectures

Educational work in the academic year 2023/24 takes place

from 2 October 2023 to 30 September 2024.


Slika programa


Broad and high-quality basic knowledge of electrical engineering.

Slika programa


High-quality applied knowledge in Electrical Engineering.

Slika programa


High-quality, broad multimedia skills.

Student office

The Student Office is for students who need administrative assistance.

Stay up to date

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E:  dekanat@fe.uni-lj.si T:  01 4768 411