Enrolmentterms and conditions

Enrolment terms and conditions

The following students may enrol in the first year of the first cycle of the university programme in Electrical Engineering:

a) someone who has passed the Matura Exam,

b) someone who has passed the Vocational Matura Examination in any secondary education programme and an examination in one of the Matura subjects; the subject chosen may not be a subject which the candidate has already passed in the Vocational Matura Examination, unless it is the subject Electrical Engineering,

c) someone who completed any four-year secondary education programme before 1 June 1995.

Selection criteria in case of an enrolment restriction

In case of an enrolment restriction, the candidates referred to in a) and c) are selected on the basis of:

  • General pass mark in the Matura Exam or final exam: 60 %,
  • General marks in Years 3 and 4: 40 % of points;

and the candidates referred to in point b) are selected on the basis of:

  • General pass mark in the Vocational Matura Exam: 40 %,
  • General marks in Years 3 and 4: 40 % of points,
  • Pass mark in the Matura Exam subject: 20 % of the points.

Available enrolment spaces for the academic year 2024/2025:

  • 165 places for EU nationals,
  • 15 places for Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship,
  • 25 places for non-EU nationals,
  • 5 places for parallel studies, and
  • 10 places for studies according to the transfer criteria (transcripts).

Recognition of skills acquired before enrolment in the programme

In the process of education in the first cycle, students may be recognised with knowledge that corresponds in content and scope to the content of the courses taught in the first cycle academic study programme Electrical Engineering. The recognition of knowledge and skills acquired prior to enrolment shall be decided by the UL FE Board of Studies. In the event that the UL FE Board of Studies determines that the knowledge acquired corresponds to or even exceeds the knowledge acquired in a particular subject in the first cycle academic study programme Electrical Engineering in terms of its complexity and the volume of credits, the knowledge and skills acquired shall be taken into account as a fulfilled study obligation in the subject in question.

Conditions for transfer between programmes

In accordance with the current Criteria for Transfers between Study Programmes, a transfer between study programmes is considered to be the termination of a student’s education in the study programme in which he/she has enrolled and the continuation of his/her education in the first cycle academic study programme Electrical Engineering.

Transfers are possible between study programmes:

  1. which provide comparable competences at the end of their studies; and
  2. among which at least half of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) requirements from the first study programme that relate to the compulsory subjects of the second study programme may be recognised according to the recognition criteria.

Applications for admission to the first cycle academic study programme Electrical Engineering will be dealt with by the UL FE Study Committee on an individual basis and in accordance with the Statutes of the University of Ljubljana. Based on the study requirements, the Committee will determine the conditions for further study and the year in which the candidate may enrol, and will reach a decision to that effect. On the basis of a reasoned proposal from the UL FE Board of Studies, the Senate of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering will decide on the applications.

When transferring from another study programme, the applicant must attach:

  • a certificate of completion of the study requirements for the course in which he or she was enrolled,
  • the applicable curriculum of the courses and other subjects in which he/she has fulfilled the study requirements; and
  • proof of fulfilment of the entry requirements in accordance with the Higher Education Act and the entry requirements set out in the first cycle academic study programme Electrical Engineering.

Contact: vpis@fe.uni-lj.si

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E:  dekanat@fe.uni-lj.si T:  01 4768 411