Subject description
Historical parameters of visual communication, diversity, relevance and role of mass media, design processes, relevance and role of design in society.
Elements of graphic design, relationships among text-typography-illustration-photography. Pictogram, letter, sign and logo, poster, book, web site, packaging, promotional clip, signage/wayfinding.
Preparation of individual portfolio.
The subject is taught in programs
Objectives and competences
The main objective is to show the knowledge and skills of graphic design in printed and digital media which are inevitably connected with every segment of social structure within the contemporary ways of communication.
Specific competences:
– are able to transform the contents of one way of communication into another (i. e. from verbal to visual, from audio to video, etc.);
– work individually or in groups in developing project or research work;
– use the methodology of editorial work and get to know the phases in creating a publishing product;
– learn how to use photographical, illustrative and typographical knowledge;
– learn how to use different analogical and digital graphic tools;
– are able to generate new ideas;
– are able to evaluate what they see in accordance with art and design theory;
– use the methodology of design, starting from analysis, to the definition of the problem, goals, concept phase, presentation and realization.
Teaching and learning methods
Class oral presentations and discussions on particular issues. Seminars and practice. Practical editorial team work. Consultations. Individual or group project work and presentation of the work. Group and individual visits to cultural events (concerts, exhibitions, lectures of visiting Slovene and foreign professors and experts).
Expected study results
Knowledge and understanding:
Students recognize and connect different fields of visual communication. Students work in teams with the aim of combining all the professions needed to produce a visual product.
Students experience editorial work and perceive the usage of different elements of visual communication.
Basic sources and literature
1. FLUSSER Vilem, K filozofiji fotografije, ZSKZ, 2011
2. JEDLICKA Wendy: Packaging Sustainability: Tools, Systems and Strategies for Innovative Package Design, Wiley, 2008
3. BRINGHURST Robert: The Elements of Typographic Style, Hartley and Marks Publishers, 2004
4. MOŽINA Klementina: Knjižna tipografija, FF, NTF, Ljubljana, 2003
5. FRUTIGER Adrian: Signs and Symbols , Delta&Spes, 1989
6. BAUR Ruedi: Ruedi Baur Integral: Anticipating, Questioning, Inscribing, Distinguishing, Irritating, Orienting, Translating, Lars Müller Publishers, 2010
7. MOLLERUP Per, Wayshowing, Lars Müller Publishers, 2008
8. LUPTON Elen, Graphic Design: The New Basics, Princeton Architectural Press; 2008