Communication in Research and Development

Course description

Public speaking, time constraints and the audience, collection and selection of data and information, determination of the main message, selecting of evidence, preparation of presentation and handouts, speech preparation, performance and critical evaluation of the presentation, answering questions, writing summary, the purpose and structure of the summary, poster as a form of communication and its critical evaluation, structure and design of a poster, structure of an article and basic rules of writing articles, illustrations in scientific and technical literature. Rules and guidelines for writing a diploma and preparing a defence.

Course is carried out on study programme

2nd Cycle Postgraduate Study Programme in Electrical Engineering

Objectives and competences

Developing communication skills. General competencies that will be developed:

– communication skills,

– the ability of argumentative defense of own views and consideration of the views of others,

– ability to use knowledge and skills in practice.

Learning and teaching methods

Lectures, practical work, individual work, home work, preparation and presentation of seminars, examples, presenting, recording, analysis

Intended learning outcomes

To select appropriate communication method (writing or oral) with respect to target audience;

To use and prepare presentation (written and verbal using visual aids)M

To consider and understand how others perceive and understand my writing and my presentation;

To be able to critically evaluate others work.

Reference nosilca

  1. MIKLAVČIČ, Damijan. Objavljanje rezultatov raziskav – pisanje člankov. Elektrotehniški vestnik, 2010, letn. 77, št. 1, str. 75-84.
  2. ERHATIČ ŠIRNIK, Romana (avtor, urednik), JARH, Orest (avtor, urednik), JARM, Tomaž, MAGJAREVIĆ, Ratko, MIKLAVČIČ, Damijan (avtor, urednik), REBERŠEK, Stanislav, ŠUHEL, Peter, ZUPANIČ SLAVEC, Zvonka, ZAZULA, Damjan. Biomedicinska tehnika v Sloveniji: s tehniko do zdravja. Ljubljana: Založba FE, 2015. 180 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-243-282-9.
  3. MARJANOVIČ, Igor, MIKLAVČIČ, Damijan. Elektroporacija : močno orodje, uporabno v biologiji, biotehnologiji in medicini. Življenje in tehnika, 2011, letn. 62, št. 7/8, str. 34-4
  4. RASO, Javier, FERRARI, Giovanna, MIKLAVČIČ, Damijan. Applications of pulsed electric field for food processing – special issue. V: Training School on Applications of Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF) for Food Processing, University of Zaragoza (Spain), January 20-23, 200 RASO, Javier (ur.), MIKLAVČIČ, Damijan (ur.), FERRARI, Giovanna (ur.). Applications of PEF for food processing : special section on Applications of PEF for Food Processing, (Innovative food science & emerging technologies, ISSN 1466-8564, vol. 29 (May 2015)). New York [etc.]: Elsevier Science, 2015, str. 1.
  5. MIKLAVČIČ, Damijan (intervjuvanec). Velika perspektiva pri obravnavi bolnikov z bazalnoceličnim karcinomom : intervju : prof. Damijan Miklavčič o elektroporaciji pri zdravljenju raka. Medicina danes, ISSN 1855-5853, 23. sep. 2015, št. 11/12, str. 22-24.

Study materials

  1. Blicq, R.S., Moretto, L.A., Writing Reports to Get Results, IEEE Press, 1995.
  2. Markel, M., Writing in the Technical Filelds, IEEE Press, 1994.
  3. Rugg, G., Petre, M., The Unwritten Rules of PhD Research, Open University Press, The McGraw-Hill Education, 2004.

Bodi na tekočem

Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411