Communications security and content protection

Course description

Data integrity and basic aspects of security: confidentiality, authenticity, authenticity, and availability. Types of coding procedures and classification of cryptographic algorithms: stream, block, symmetric, asymmetric. Basic symmetric encryption algorithms (DES, AES), examples of practical applications. Review of asymmetric cryptographic algorithms (RSA, ElGamal, DH) on a practical application. The digital signature of information content and the basics of hash algorithms. The management of encryption keys, digital certificates, and public key infrastructure. Secure communications on the Internet with the review of protection mechanisms at different layers (IPSec, SSL, secure mail). Basic principles of security devices: routers, firewalls, and security of content. Secure electronic commerce. Security policy and security management in multimedia systems. Mechanisms of copyright protection and copyright management systems, multimedia content (DRM, CA, TP, Watermarking). Blockchain technologies and their applications in the area of communications security and content protection.

Objectives and competences

Understanding basic principles of information security in multimedia systems. Basic knowledge of security mechanisms and practical knowledge of the security protocols used in the Internet and in mobile radio networks. Understanding the principles of technical protection of copyright of multimedia content.

Learning and teaching methods

Lectures and lab exercises and individual work.

Intended learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students should be able to:

– identify threats to ICT systems,

– identify various online scams,

– protect the ICT system,

– ensure the integrity of electronic documents,

– assess the security of the ICT system,

– design a security policy.

Reference nosilca

Vlado Stankovski je izredni profesor računalništva in informatike. Ima bogate izkušnje na področju programskega inženirstva, računalništva v oblaku, na robu in v megli, porazdeljenih sistemov, semantike ter tehnologij umetne inteligence (strojno, globoko učenje). Dr. Stankovski je delal na področju integracije programske opreme in je v zadnjih 15 letih sodeloval pri razvoju različnih tehnologij vmesne programske opreme. Sodeloval je pri več nacionalnih in mednarodnih projektih, v konzorciju Superračunalniški center Slovenije, na projektu pametne specializacije IQ DOM ter v gruči za programsko inženirstvo projektov Obzorje 2020, kot predstavnik projektov ENTICE, SWITCH in DECENTER. Vlado Stankovski je tudi znanstveno-tehnični koordinator projekta Naslednje generacije interneta OntoChain programa Obzorje 2020.

1. Kochovski, P., Gec, S., Stankovski, V., Bajec, M., Drobintsev, P. D. Trust management in a blockchain based fog computing platform with trustless Smart Oracles. Future generation computer systems, dec. 2019, vol. 101, str. 747-759, doi: 10.1016/j.future.2019.07.030.

2. Taherizadeh, S., Jones, A.C., Taylor, I., Zhao, Z., Stankovski, V. Monitoring self-adaptive applications within edge computing frameworks: A State-of-the-Art review. The Journal of Systems and Software, feb. 2018, letn. 136, 20 str,

3. Paščinski, U., Trnkoczy, J., Stankovski, V., Cigale, M., Gec, S. QoS-aware orchestration of network intensive software utilities within Software Defined Data Centres – An architecture and implementation of a Global Cluster Manager. Journal of Grid Computing, 2018, letn. 16, št. 1, str. 85-112,

4. Taherizadeh, S., Stankovski, V., Grobelnik, M. A capillary computing architecture for dynamic Internet of Things – Orchestration of microservices from Edge devices to Fog and Cloud providers: 2938. Sensors, 2018, letn. 18, št. 9, str. 1-23,

5. Casale, G., Chesta, C., Deussen, P. et al. Current and future challenges of software engineering for services and applications. Procedia Computer Science, 2016, letn. 97, str. 34-42,

6. Zhao, Z., Martin, P., Wang, J. et al. Developing and operating time-critical applications in clouds: The State of the Art and the SWITCH approach. Procedia Computer Science, vol. 68, 2015, str. 17-28,


Study materials

  1. Sašo Tomažič, Varnost informacijsko komunikacijskih sistemov, 2014 (Objavljena elektronska knjiga kot študijsko gradivo).
  2. B. Schneier: Applied Cryptography, John Wiley & Sons, 1996
  3. M. Y. Rhee, Internet Security: Cryptographic Principles, Algorithms and Protocols, John Wiley & Sons, 2003
  4. G. J. Simmons: Contemporary Cryptology, IEEE Press, 1991.
  5. B. Furth, D. Kirovski: Multimedia Security Handbook, CRC Press, 2004
  6. W. Zeng, H.Yu, C. Lin: Multimedia Security Technologies for Digital Rights Management, Academic Press, 2006
  7. F. Casino, T. K. Dasaklis, C. Patsakis: A systematic literature review of blockchain-based applications: Current status, classification and open issues, Telematics and Informatics, Volume 36, 2019, Pages 55-81,

Bodi na tekočem

Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411