Electronic Components and Sensors

Course description

Reliability, Accelerated aging. Acceleration Factor,
Resistors: Review of structures, properties and applications of resistor families,
Nonlinear resistors: NTC PTC thermistors, varistors,
Capacitors: Review of structures, properties and applications of capacitor families: Plastic, Ceramic. Electrolytic (liquid, solid), Special.
Coils: air core, ferrite cores with/without gap. Filter inductor design, Small network transformer design, Buck/boost SMPS operation and design.
Piezoelectric elements: Piezoelectric effects. Piezoelectric actuators, Quartz crystals. SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave) devices.
Sensors: Essential sensor parameters, Overview of sensing principles, Processing of sensor signals, Components of sensor systems, Sensor signal conditioning circuits

Course is carried out on study programme

Electrical engineering 1st level

Objectives and competences

The course objective is to familiarize students with advanced properties of electronic components, which can be further applied in the field of electronic systems design. The course comprises an overview of advanced properties of essential linear (RLC) as well as non-linear (thermistor, varistor) components, with emphasis on non-ideal  properties (loss analysis) and thermal impact on element operation.
Second part of the course focuses on the overview of sensors, where sensing principles, sensor acquisition and signal conditioning circuits are presented. The course gives a practical and theoretical insight into application of electronic components for use in later courses and represents a foundation for interdisciplinary work particularly in the field of sensor electronics.

Learning and teaching methods

Course lectures provide practical and theoretical background on particular scope items together with presentation of simple practical examples. A complete study material is available to the students.

Practical work is tightly interwoven with course lectures being performed in the laboratory environment, and is accomplished in steps acquainting students with a certain electronic component/sensor and corresponding instrumentation.

Intended learning outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
 ‐ select and apply various passive electronic components during solving practical problems in electronic systems design,
– understand the specifics of selected electronic component variants, based on their properties,
 ‐ design and evaluate the parameters of a filter inductor and buck/boost switched mode power supply and select appropriate inductor or transformer for this design,
‐ understand the principles of sensor operation and application, analyze circuits for sensor signal conditioning and design sensor systems,
‐ apply various sensor elements (e.g. pressure sensor, accelerometer, flow meter etc.) in solutions to practical problems in sensor systems.

Reference nosilca

  1. RESNIK, Drago, KOVAČ, Janez, VRTAČNIK, Danilo, GODEC, Matjaž, PEČAR, Borut, MOŽEK, Matej. Microstructural and electrical properties of heat treated resistive Ti/Pt thin layers. Thin solid films, ISSN 0040-6090. [Print ed.], 2017, vol. 639, pp. 64-72
  2. PEČAR, Borut, VRTAČNIK, Danilo, RESNIK, Drago, MOŽEK, Matej, DOLŽAN, Tine, BRAJKOVIČ, Robert, KRIŽAJ, Dejan. Micropump operation at various driving signals : numerical simulation and experimental verification. Microsystem technologies, ISSN 0946-7076, Jul. 2015, vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 1379-1384
  3. RESNIK, Drago, MOŽEK, Matej, PEČAR, Borut, DOLŽAN, Tine, JANEŽ, Andrej, URBANČIČ-ROVAN, Vilma, VRTAČNIK, Danilo. Characterization of skin penetration efficacy by Au-coated Si microneedle array electrode. Sensors and actuators. A, Physical, ISSN 0924-4247, 1 Aug. 2015, vol. 232, pp. 299-309
  4. DOLŽAN, Tine, PEČAR, Borut, MOŽEK, Matej, RESNIK, Drago, VRTAČNIK, Danilo. Self-priming bubble tolerant microcylinder pump. Sensors and actuators. A, Physical, ISSN 0924-4247, 2015, vol. 233, pp. 548-556
  5. MOŽEK, Matej, VRTAČNIK, Danilo, RESNIK, Drago, PEČAR, Borut, AMON, Slavko. Adaptive calibration and quality control of smart sensors. V: IVANOV, Ognyan (ur.). Applications and experiences of qulity control. Rijeka: Intech, cop. 2011, pp. 645-662

Study materials

  1. Bǎjenescu, Titu-Marius I, Bâzu, Marius I. "Component reliability for electronic systems", 2010, Boston ; London : Artech House, ISBN 978-1-59693-436-8         
  2. Maheshwari, Preeti "Electronic components and processes", 2006, New Delhi : New Age International, ISBN 978-81-224-1794-4 
  3. Fraden, Jacob, "Handbook of modern sensors : physics, designs, and applications", 2010, Springer, ISBN 1-4419-6465-7        
  4. Horowitz, Paul, Hill, Winfield "The art of electronics", 2008, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-37095-0   
  5. Soloman, Sabrie "Sensors handbook",2010 , McGraw-Hil ISBN 978-0-07-160570-0
  6. Amon, Slavko "Elektronske komponente", 2013, spletni učbenik, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, dostopen na domači strani predmeta: http://ek.fe.uni-lj.si/

Bodi na tekočem

Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E:  dekanat@fe.uni-lj.si T:  01 4768 411