Frequently Asked Questions

I don’t qualify for a higher year – I’ll be a gap year next academic year, what does that mean?

I don’t qualify for a higher year – I’ll be a gap year next academic year, what does that mean?

This means you have no student status, no health insurance, no other student benefits, and you have to pay to sit exams.

You can only sit the exam once you have fulfilled the requirements – completed the laboratory exercises and other course requirements.

This is one of the most common questions we get. We have compiled some of the more common questions and the answer below.

A student studying a first cycle or a single master’s programme may enrol in another study programme in parallel after successfully completing the first cycle, provided that he or she meets the conditions for enrolment in the parallel study programme. Enrolment in a parallel programme (first cycle or single master’s programme) is not possible after the completion of the final year or during the additional (graduate) year.

A second-level student may enrol in a parallel programme without restrictions.

Parallel study means studying at least two study programmes at the University of Ljubljana at the same time. V
you are studying at another university, you are not studying in parallel.

Enrolment in a parallel programme (1st cycle or single MSc programme) is not possible after the final year of studies or during the additional (graduate) year.

A second-level student may enrol in a parallel programme without restrictions.

Yes. In the case of parallel studies, the cases referred to in Article 77(4) of the ZViS do not apply.

Yes. A second-level student can enrol in a parallel course without restrictions. For parallel enrolment at level 1, you will need evidence of the entry requirements.

In the case of parallel enrolment, this is not the case under Article 70 of the ZViS, so you can enrol in a parallel course on a full-time basis without paying tuition fees. However, you will have to start paying tuition fees when you complete your first study programme, because according to the ZViS, tuition fees are payable by students who have attained a level of education which corresponds at least to the level of education obtained in the study programme in which they are enrolled.

You have to start paying tuition fees when you finish your first study programme, because according to the ZViS, tuition fees are payable by students who have attained a level of education which corresponds at least to the level of education obtained in the study programme in which they are enrolled.

Student status is valid until the end of the academic year. However, students can also opt out of student status after graduation.

According to the ZViS, students can repeat a year or change their study programme or course of study once during their studies. If you make use of either of these options, you are not entitled to an extra year.

According to Article 70 of the ZViS, the student’s status ceases if he/she withdraws. This means that from the date of withdrawal, the student loses his/her student status and the rights attached to it (e.g. insurance, subsidised meals, work through a student service, etc.).

In accordance with Article 13 of the Regulations on Contributions and Evaluation of Costs at UL of 23 January 2020, the student is obliged to pay a part of the tuition fee when he/she withdraws before the end of the academic year: 10℅ of the contractual tuition fee if he/she withdraws irrevocably by 31 October of the current year or within 15 days after the conclusion of the contract, or 55℅ of the contractual tuition fee for the year in which he/she is enrolled if he/she withdraws irrevocably by the end of the first semester.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411