Several documents need to be delivered at the end of the mobility:

  1. Confirmation of Study Period
  2. Final Report and
  3. Library confirmation



This document confirms the accurate duration of the stay (from the enrolment/orientation week/language course to the day of the last academic commitment). It should be delivered to Ms Katarina Erjavec Drešar (, where all the necessary signatures will be provided. The final document will be handed to your home coordinator (by email). The dates indicated on the document will be:

  • Arrival: the date indicated on your form of your first appearance at our office (or maximally two work days earlier if the arrival is confirmed by some document)
  • Departure: the day of your last personal appearance at our office (or maximally two work days in advance to have the time to prepare for a travel).

If you need this document based on a different template (e.g. to include specific details or due to a request of an office at your home institution), let your home office provided the necessary documents or use our form (Form in PDF).



Please complete our final report, which need to be filled in before the office will issue the Transcript of Records (ToR).

Your feedback will help us make our services more effective for future Erasmus students. You also have to obtain the following document here and send it by email to our international office (


Please provide a note from our library (email from their side is enough) that you have no open obligations there, and send it by email to



Please note that all passed courses will be listed on your Transcript of Records, whereas the failed ones will not be included. Only courses that you have taken at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering will appear on the transcript that is issued by Faculty of Electrical Engineering. 

In the case of external courses, other faculties will provide their own parts of the transcript; please contact them about any resolved issues with this regards.

Please also note that a subject without grade means that the student did not take an exam and/or did not fulfill obligatory duties during the semester to be able to take an exam. Therefore, this does not mean that he/she was graded with a negative grade, but that the exam was not even taken at all.

Within five weeks after your exam results are registered at our students’ system “STUDIS” by the professors in charge, the International office will send Transcript of Records directly to the International office at your home university. Do not worry, if ToR is not available at the time of your departure. However, do check on time that all grades are reported in the STUDIS students’ system.

Due to the current Covid situation Faculty of Electrical Engineering of University of Ljubljana issues only digitally signed documents that are related students’ Erasmus exchanges. We cannot provide any documents that are signed by hand on a color paper or stamped.

IMPORTANT: if you are officially on an internship at our faculty, but you have been enrolled into courses at other faculties as well, please deliver us copies of the external final ToR(s) as well.

Faculty of Electrical Engineering of University of Ljubljana issues only digitally signed documents that are related to students’ Erasmus exchanges. We cannot provide any documents that are signed by hand on a color paper or stamped.

The originals will not be handed to you!



Our international office will send your home institution all the final documents at most in 5 weeks (typically much faster) after receiving an email from you with the contents:

  1. confirmation of stay (or study period; see above)
  2. email confirmation from our Library that you returned all the books (see above)
  3. Final report (digitaly signed or by hand and scaned; see above)
  4. Transcript of records from other faculties under the University of Ljubljana – if you had courses there (see above)
  5. email address (that we will be able to send him and to you all the final signed documents (departue certificate and transcript of records))

Wish you a successful examination period and all the best.

Email: or

Bodi na tekočem

Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411