
Predavanje: Villegas Martinez - Non-Hermitian-Zigzag Glauber lattice

Datum objave: 10.7.2024 Datum začetka: 1.8.2024 Ura začetka: 12:00 Lokacija: Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko UL, diplomska soba

Vabljeni na gostujoče predavanje na tematiko optičnih mrež, ki bo v četrtek, 1. avgusta 2024, ob 12. uri v Diplomski sobi FRI. Predaval bo dr. Braulio Misael Villegas Martinez, profesor iz Centra za raziskave v inženirstvu in aplikativnih znanostih, Cuernavaca v Mehiki.

Naslov: Non-Hermitian-Zigzag Glauber lattice

Povzetek predavanja: In recent decades, substantial progress has been made in both the theoretical and experimental study of optical lattices. These advancements are driven by the unique transport characteristics of discrete optical configurations, which differ significantly from those in bulk optics. These properties have enabled a wide range of applications across various fields of applied sciences. Concurrently, non-Hermitian systems have garnered considerable interest, particularly due to the mapping of non-Hermitian dynamics to their Hermitian counterparts via non-unitary transformations. These optical advances have facilitated the development of non-reciprocal waveguide systems. Building on these efforts, this talk presents an exact analytical solution for a one-dimensional non-Hermitian zigzag waveguide—a variant of the semi-infinite Glauber-Fock lattice—achieved through a single non-unitary transformation. The obtained exact solution is compared with numerical results.

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Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

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