Exchange StudentsGuide

This page provides general information for foreign students that are interested in visiting our faculty as exchange students.

This page is not relevant for foreign students that intend to fully enroll in our study programs. In such cases please follow the instruction at the web recource.

Timeline of application

The information on this page is complemented by specific organizational steps to be taken before, during and after mobility.

Winter and summer semester list of courses (Curses Syllabus) for one- or two-semester students’ exchange. The courses are separated into two parts, since individual courses take place only in one of the two semesters. All of the listed courses are offered to English speaking exchange students.

NOTE: The selected courses in your Learning agreement should be taken by the rules on the course list otherwise the Learning agreement wont be confirmed.

The schedule/timetable will be available in the last week of the semester (last week of September/middle February for summer). It is very likely that courses will overlap, but no worries, as students are allowed to make changes to Learning Agreement upon in one week after the arrival (after the semester strarts!!).

It is possible to choose courses from different Faculties, as long as having the necessary knowledge to learn them. However, each external faculty needs to approve these separately, since we are authorized only for Electrical Engineering. Usually other faculties allow external students to take up to two courses there. Please contact their contact persons, and ask them for permission to enrol in the selected courses, and inform about the approval our international office.

Exams are written and oral. A sufficient fluency in English is necessary for a successful communication during the studying process and for taking exams. As a rule of thumb, we recommend knowledge of English that is on a par with the B2 level certificate. Language certificate by itself is not required from our side; however, students are fully responsible for assuring the sufficiency of language skills.

Credits (in Transcript of records as well as in any other document) are issued solely on a basis of successfully passed exams. No credits are assigned on finer-gramular levels (such as successful completion of laboratory courses). Transcript of records consist of only positively graded exams. Negative grades are neither included in transcript of records, nor they are stated in any other issued document.

If you will work on your final thesis:
Please note, that you will have to find your mentor for your thesis from our Faculty. Without mentor, you cannot work on thesis. You can try to find him as soon as possible. Information about laboratories and their research activities are provided at the following link.

Important informations

Administration office from Faculty of Electrical Engineering:

  • The coordinator of international students’ relations is Assoc. Prof. Dr. Boštjan Murovec ( Please contact him regarding general questions about educational, professional and scientific aspects of study.
  • The office secretary for international students is Mrs. Katarina Erjavec Drešar (, tel.: +386 1 4768 209). Please contact her for paperwork issues and issuance of documents.
  • Tutor for international students is assist. dr. Goran Andonovski (

Administration office from University of Ljubljana:

In addition to the above two contacts, University of Ljubljana has a separate International Office, which is in charge of other aspects of studying (application for financing through financing mechanisms and frameworks, information about living costs, visas, health insurances, accommodations at students’ dormitories, enrolment through web applications, and similar). These issues are not dealt with locally at our faculty, and for that matter we are not in a position to give authoritative answers to related questions.

Frequently issued calls for financing of students’ exchanges as well as financial donations are published at the web site of our national agency CMEPIUS – Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes. Our faculty issues document that students need for applications; however, we are not in a position to answer the questions that are related to the published calls, and we cannot give you interpretations about the stated rules for participation.

Bodi na tekočem

Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411