Completing your studies

Conditions for completion

The completion of the studies and the acquisition of the title of PhD is conditional upon the candidate successfully completing all the study requirements set out in the programme and successfully defending the doctoral dissertation with a total of 240 KT. The doctoral candidate is also obliged to publish at least one scientific article on the subject of the doctoral thesis, with first authorship, in a journal with an impact factor according to SCIE. The article must be published or accepted for publication no later than when the doctoral dissertation is submitted for assessment.

The doctoral candidate shall register the topic within the time limit set by the member and submit the completed doctoral dissertation no later than within two years of the approval of the topic by the UL Senate. If the doctoral student does not register the topic of the doctoral dissertation again within the time limit set by the member, or if the Senate of UL does not approve the topic of the doctoral dissertation, or if he/she does not submit the completed doctoral dissertation in the case of an approved topic, he/she shall not be able to complete the doctoral programme.

In the event that a doctoral student has had a break in studies of more than two years and has not yet had the topic of his/her doctoral dissertation approved by the UL Senate, the possibility of continuing or completing the studies shall be assessed in accordance with the provisions of the UL Statutes. A doctoral student who has been granted permission to continue or complete his/her studies shall complete his/her studies in accordance with the study programme currently in force.

Condition for demonstrating the mentor's research activity

Mentor in somentor na doktorskem študiju je visokošolski učitelj UL z nazivom docent, izredni ali redni profesor oziroma znanstveni delavec z nazivom znanstveni sodelavec, višji znanstveni sodelavec ali znanstveni svetnik in ima izkazano raziskovalno aktivnost z ustrezno bibliografijo s širšega področja teme doktorske disertacije. Minimalni pogoj za izkazovanje raziskovalne aktivnosti mentorja in somentorja je določen s sklepom Senata UL, ki je objavljen na spletni strani Doktorske šole UL.

Mentor ali somentor je lahko tudi oseba z ustrezno habilitacijo druge ustanove (domače ali tuje), ki ima reference s širšega področja teme doktorske disertacije, sodeluje v doktorskem študijskem programu ali je zaposlena na ustanovi, s katero ima UL ali članica UL sklenjen sporazum oziroma pogodbo o sodelovanju. Oseba je lahko mentor ali somentor skupno največ šestim doktorandom, ki so vpisani v kateri koli doktorski študijski program na UL in od njihovega zadnjega vpisa v letnik oziroma dodatno leto ni minilo več kot dve leti.

Registration of the disposition

The doctoral candidate, in agreement with his/her supervisor and possible co-mentor, submits the dissertation in accordance with the instructions of the UL member who is supervising the procedure for the award of the PhD degree.

By the end of the 3rd semester, the student will prepare a proposal for the dissertation, which will be appropriately dissected and placed in the narrower field of his/her research, present the expected contributions to science, justify them professionally and methodologically, and support them with initial results. He/she shall also give a public presentation of the proposed topic. The preparation and presentation of the topic is assessed with 10 KT.

Forms to be submitted by the student when registering a disposition:

For information on how to register a disposition, please contact or contact the Student Sector by appointment.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T: 01 4768 411